

In recent years, amazingly few books on contemporary stained glass have come onto the market, and of these hardly any cover specifically secular work. This absence of published material has allowed the myth to continue, even in the architectural world, that stained glass is still primarily a neo-Gothic, ecclesiastical medium. This book sets out to explode that myth. It seeks to create a new image, a new sense of what stained glass is about in the modern world. 

Architectural Glass, Andrew Moor, Witney Library of Design, New York, 1989
Richard Spaulding, 1985
Lutz Haufschild, 1986
Kazumi Ikemoto, 1985

James Walker, 1984

Lutz Haufschild, 1981
Karl Traut, 1988


  1. beautiful! especially that James Walker piece...

  2. Thank you for your comment,that piece is also one of my favorite!

  3. Its great to see somebody take notice of the glass intracies found in current day design. Architectural glass has such a variety of applications and more and more designers are involving glass applications in their works. Awesome post and look into the newest glass designs.
