

Through her art, Sonia Landy Sheridan has investigated the inner landscape of her own intensely creative, and often playful, intelligence. Sheridan is known for her work with the new forms of technology that sparked the late-twentieth-century communications revolution as well as her experience as both an inspiring teacher and artist-in-residence at the 3M Company. Source of this text http://hoodmuseum.dartmouth.edu/exhibitions/2009soniasheridan/

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1982 EASEL software; Cromemco Z-2D hardware; black & white video Showing the multi-dimensions
of the new graphic system. One of a Series.


Stretching the Grid 1982 EASEL software; Cromemco Z-2D hardware. Capturing the program menu and morphing it. 

1982 EASEL software; Cromemco Z-2D hardware; black & white video Cycled color. One of a Series of 100.

1985 Cromemco Z-2D computer with a Cat 4 graphics card, a black and white surveillance camera, and EASEL software by John Dunn. This system was the first available graphics software for the PC.


  1. Le fonds d'archives de Madame Sheridan est accessible à la Médiathèque Guy L. Côté de la Cinémathèque québécoise; et il me reste un catalogue de l'exposition du Hood Museum de 2009... si ça vous intéresse...

  2. Merci pour l'information! Ça pourrait être intéressant également de voir le catalogue de l'exposition...
