
SPECTRAL NET // Undervolt & Co. Video Label

I am happy to announce the result of a year long collaboration with the amazing Brenna Murphy, Birch Cooper and Roger Tellier-Craig. I've been an admirer of Brenna and Birch's work for a while and this was a truly amazing experience for Roger end I to collaborate with them. Along the way, Yoshi Sodeoka started to work on a video label project, UNDERVOLT&CO., and we thought this was a great context for Spectral Net to present the result of our first collaborative video series. I will also release some solo work on the label eventually.

About Spectral Net:

Spectral Net is a collaboration between Brenna Murphy, Birch Cooper (Portland), Roger Tellier-Craig and me (Montreal).  We have been working on parallel roads for a few years now, mutually aware and admiring each other’s works during all this time. Our common interest for digital and analog technologies, electronic sonorities and visuals as well as experimental approaches have set grounds for this collaborative project, which started in early 2013 and has since evolved to become Spectral Net.  Although our interests are very similar, our aesthetic and the tools we use differ on many levels, which makes this collaboration an unexpected and unique meeting between our two (or four) distinctive artistic approaches.

For our first series, we focused on experimenting and developing a language by generating and exchanging original work to be used as source material by the collaborators. The analog and digital sounds were provided by Roger and Birch who created a bank from which Brenna and I could choose and add to our videos. The series of four videos, is the result of the dialogue between these different approches to video and sound.

Here is the trailer showing excerpts of the 4 videos, which in total make 20 minutes long. You can download the file for 5$ or donate what you judge fair here: http://www.undervolt.co/Spectral-Sequences-Vol-1-Spectral-Net

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