

Stills from a video projection I'm currently working on with Le Révélateur.


Anonymous said...

j'aimerais vraiment inclure quelques-uns de tes videos pour la compilation VHS de Moduli TV que je fais cet été. ça te tente?
talk soon... ciao!

eye of sound said...

Hi Sabrina.
Like Monocle, I too would be happy to have some of your videos, not on a compilation, but on my blog. I'm not too fond of youtube/vimeo stuff, so I'd be very happy if you were willing to share one or two files to post at the Eye.
Ça te tente?

Sabrina Ratté said...

Thanks to both of you for your interest!
Frank, on en parle très bientôt...
Sound of eyes, this is great, ça me tente! I'll e-mail you with more details about what I could send you!