The human visual system integrates line segments into subjectively perceived surfaces. (1982 Melvin L. Prueitt)

Richard F. Voss used fractal geometry to produce a very realistic scene. (1982 Benoit B. Mandelbrot, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center)

"Artic Twilight." Experimenting around with an erosion program. (1982 Melvin L. Prueitt)

"Concession to Scifi." There are number of ways to create abstract art with a computer. (1980 Darcy Gerbarg)

"Vanishing Essence." The reason that these plates are effective in producing a pleasant picture is that our visual systems are able to connect them together into unified curving surfaces. (1983 Melvin L. Prueitt)

Vibeke Sorenson's computer graphics design class in the Department of Communication Arts and Design at the Virginia Commonwealth University found that home computers could produce colorful patterns.

This was produced by James Squires as a graduate student using a Chromatics 7900 in the Fine Arts Department of UCLA.

"Rainbow Valley." The stripes in the rainbow actually consist of bent tubes. (1982 Melvin L. Prueitt)

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