
Il Labirinto di Cristallo

bubblebyte.org is pleased to present Il Labirinto di Cristallo, a collective exhibition by diverse International practitioners working around the themes of Oceano, Futuro, Industriale and Azteca.

The show, inspired by the early 1990s British TV program “The Crystal Maze”, is conceived as a journey set around different areas, visions and artistic approaches, stressing and stretching visual possibilities in a playful and kaleidoscope mode that flirts with space and time displacement.

The diversity of vision and artistic approach allows discovery and experimentation, constantly crossing the line between imagination and reality, virtual and factual, abstract and actual, leading visitors throughout a multilayered and unexpected random wandering.




Stills from video experiments made using vintage postcards bought in Positano.



Herbert W. Franke, 1971 (Preface to the first edition):

The works from computers nowadays covered by the term computer art are in my opinion among the most remarkable products of our time:
-not because they surpass, or even approach, the beauty of traditional forms of art, but because they place established ideas of beauty and art in question;
-not because they are intrinsically satisfactory or even finished, but because their very unfinished form indicates the great potential for future development;
-not because they resolve problems, but because they raise and expose them.

Herbert W. Franke, Computer Graphics - Computer Art, Second, Revised and enlarged Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 1985



Over the last few months, I have been working intensively on the footage I got from Positano and Capri. Out of this footage, I made an 8 minute video called Station Balnéaire for a show at the Ghost Gallery in Seattle, curated by Christian Petersen (including the work of Sara Ludy and Nicolas Sassoon among others). More info HERE. I also produced a series of stills taken from the video which will be posted soon on the site of their online magazine I Want You. It's worth taking a look at their website, there are some really amazing images. (Check out Stellar Om Source)

I am also working on a live video projection that will take place at the Montreal Gallery Espace Projet organised by Le Phosphène Ciné-club. Roger Tellier-Craig will accompany my images with his great electronic music and it will be very different from what we usually do with Le Révélateur. This will happen next Wednesday, July 13. Here are various stills taken from my experiments with these inspiring landscapes.



Si le cinéma apporte le mouvement, si la vidéo le feed-back, on peut dire que l'ordinateur apporte l'intéractivité et notamment la manipulation de symboles. Il faut utiliser chaque outil selon sa spécificité.

Nous travaillons surtout à partir d'une image synthétique que nous créons directement dans la mémoire de l'ordinateur qui permet, à partir de calculs complexes, de donner des règles de composition de musiques ou d'images.

Ensuite, par algorithmes adéquats, c'est l'ordinateur qui pourra choisir les images; l'artiste étant en position de réception, d'écoute, pourra déterminer ou laisser émerger les images qui correspondront le plus à son idée de création.

(extrait de la conférence faite à Imagina à Monaco en 1982 pour le Groupe Module Digital Art.)

Bernard Demiaux's website - click on the link to download the video

Feu d'artifice dans la constellation du signe - Paris 1978

Fugue en bleu pour Siloé - Paris 1979

Album de famille - Imagina Monaco - 1982